White Christmas
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Product ID: WG3 ETM1863
By Irving Berlin
Musikverlag Andrea Wiegand
Thomas Stapf
Minuten Hits
Christmas, Film
Line Up:
Level: 2-3
Set & Score
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About this item
‘White Christmas’, composed by Irving Berlin in 1940, is one of the best-known Christmas carols in the world and Bing Crosby’s recording of it one of the most successful singles of all time. This new arrangement for symphony orchestra retains the mood and the charm of the original. Underscoring this is the musical imagery of falling snow conveying the impression of a white Christmas. Forming a contrast to the three verses are an introduction, two interludes (joy at the snow and it falling gently onto the ground) and a short coda. Setting the last verse apart are ornamental melodic variations and effective modulations. An impressive feature of the arrangement is how the piece builds up as it progresses by the gradual addition of more instruments. Since smaller ensembles cannot always achieve this effect, they can jump from bar 23 to bar 56 if desired. In order that the work can be played by different ensembles, there is quite a degree of flexibility as regards the instruments which can be employed, e.g. Woodwind II can be played by both the flute and the oboe. The piece sounds well rounded even when played just by strings; additional instruments will enrich the sound. The arrangement can be performed with instruments alone but also with a choir or even just solo voice. Both strings and wind players will no doubt appreciate the piece being in the key of C major. The piece is easy to moderately difficult to play; the performance time is approx. 4 1/2 minutes.
Songlist (1)
- White Christmas
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Irving Berlin (1888-1989)

Irving Berlin (May 11, 1888 – September 22, 1989) was an American composer and lyricist of Jewish heritage, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history.
His first hit song, "Alexander's Ragtime Band", became world famous. The song sparked an international dance craze in places as far away as Berlin's native Russia, which also "flung itself into the ragtime beat with an abandon bordering on mania." Over the years he was known for writing music and lyrics in the American vernacular: uncomplicated, simple and direct, with his aim being to "reach the heart of the average American" whom he saw as the "real soul of the country."
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