English Fugue
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Product ID: HE2 HS 4323
By William Selby
Highland Etling
Highland/Etling String Orchestra Series
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String Orchestra
Level: 3
Set & Score
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About this item
Art Sheinberg has discovered a gem from the late English Baroque keyboard literature and expertly scored it to sound as if it were originally for strings. The violin ll and viola parts are often doubled, as are the cello and bass parts; there are essentially three parts throughout. This gives a full and balanced sound which accommodates uneven instrumentation. Violin l parts are in third position much of the time, and alternate fingerings given for the other parts will keep other advanced players busy. The piece is in D major throughout, with the exception of brief excursions into A and B minor. Full of rhythmic drive and sparkling counterpoint, the piece is a sure winner with students and an excellent vehicle to teach detached style and ensemble independence.
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William Selby (1738–1798)
William Selby (1738–1798) was an early American composer, organist and choirmaster. Born in England, he emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts. In 1774 he became the organist at Trinity Church, Newport. Three years later, Selby became organist at King's Chapel in Boston where he organized the first colonial music festival.
Some known works by him include two voluntaries for the organ, a lesson in C for the harpsichord, and an anthem for Thanksgiving Day.
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