The ABC's of Duets
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Product ID: CF4 ABC23
By Janice Tucker Rhoda
Carl Fischer
Violin duet
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Violin Duet (Solo: Violin 2)
Level: 1-3
Performance Score
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About this item
A violin duet book that will be fun for children and adults, The ABCs of Duets covers classical musical selections and popular folk song settings that most players will recognize and love. The book is designed to be usable by beginning and intermediate players and has all the characteristic virtues of the ABCs series, about which teachers and students have been so enthusiastic. ABCs of Duets uses both 1st and 3rd positions on the Violin and includes such favorites as Mary Had A Little Lamb, This Old Man, Joy To The World, the theme from the first movement of Beethoven's Violin Concerto, Oh Susanna, Rock of Ages and much more, 29 duets in all!
Violin duet
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Janice Tucker Rhoda
Janice Tucker Rhoda is Author of the popular instruction books The ABCs of Strings and Complete Technique series, published by Carl Fischer Music.
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